Introducing Protect-X!

April 19, 2016 Announcements

Protect-X: The Future of NonStop Security Hardening & Management

Protect-X is a highly advanced browser-based security hardening solution for HP NonStop, NonStop X & Linux/Unix servers.

Featuring an approvals chain for authorizing changes, an automated security hardening engine, compliance management and merged audit trail support, Protect-X provides a revolutionary way to manage Safeguard and OSS security via a mobile-friendly HTML5 interface.

Protect-X Features:

  • No GUI to install; runs in any web browser.
  • Work flows and dialogs to manage Safeguard users and globals.
  • Hardening rules based on CSP-Wiki ®.
  • Automatic implementation of hardening rules.
  • Manage NonStop users and aliases from any web browser.
  • Built-in user roles with authorization.